Beta Login

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Live Beta Version : Template:CurrentBetaVersion

We're about to update the beta to Catznip R9.0.9 (just as soon as Kitty stops panicking). Hopefully there will be more here by the time we do.

Catznip R9.0.9 Feedback Required


For those already running the beta we would like to know if the forced update from R9.0.8 worked correctly. It should be mandatory for everyone.

Login Page

Thoughts on this set-up. Is a wiki page useful (keeping in mind we don't allow public editing of our wiki), would a blog or subreddit be better. Totally up for suggestions at this point. The provide feedback button that we use on the regular wiki doesn't work in the viewer, so don't use that >>>>>

All Preferences

We've been having a major play in the prefs, especially Chat and Sound. Please test everything.

  • The intent is for the Catznip tab to eventually be phased out entirely.
  • We don't want to show every option, just the important ones.

Everything that's keyed to a debug setting will soon switch to using the debug setting text as a tooltip (we understand this is English only at this point), so for now .. don't worry about what the tooltips might be.

Template:CurrentBetaVersion Known Issues

  • Chat toolbar 'pay' icon wrong.
  • The top bar is blue. Clearly it should be pink.
  • Beta users should be in the Litterbox group, no exceptions.
  • Beta users shouldn't be able to opt out of sending crash reports.
  • Kitty is stressed and has no rum.


Pretty much all of the translations in the viewer need checking. We have had some feedback that the quality varies from acceptable to dire. We have tried to keep Linden translations as far as possible for all UI changes but know that's not an ideal solution. For now could changes and corrections be passed to Trinity Dejavu on a notecard. We will come up with something a bit more collaborative in the near future. Please, no google/machine translation.