Usability Enhancements

From Catznip
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The bulk of work on Catznip tends to fall under the heading of Usability Enhancements, this encompasses everything from minor contextual changes to advanced features who's simplicity may undermine the amount of work that went into making it all work. Don't be surprised if many of the additions and changes aren't documented here.

Land and Mapping

Parcel Inspector

Hovering the mouse over a parcel on the Mini Map or World Map and clicking the inspector tip opens the parcel inspector. Inspectors show the parcel name & description and (if) price for sale. File:InspectorLocation.png

Objects & Attachments

Texture Refresh

Right clicking on any object or avatar attachment and selecting Texture Refresh from the context menu causes all textures and sculpt maps for the target object to be dropped and re-fetched. This can help should textures or sculpts fail to load completely. File:MenuTextureRefresh.png