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@setsphere is a visual effect that's applied to the final step of world rendering and acts on pixels that fall within its sphere of influence.
@setsphere is a visual effect that's applied to the final step of world rendering and acts on pixels that fall within its sphere of influence.

Revision as of 16:07, 10 January 2021


@setsphere is a visual effect that's applied to the final step of world rendering and acts on pixels that fall within its sphere of influence.

For instance, when using the blending mode each pixel on the screen that is contained by the sphere will be blended with the sphere's colour according to a linearly increasing (or decreasing) mix value.

If you're having problems visualing what that looks like: imagine standing in pitch blackness with a lightbulb hat that evenly brightens the area around you. The exact spot where you're standing is at normal brightness, but 5m away everything is only 50% as bright and at 10m away (and beyond) all you can see is total darkness. (Note that @setsphere does not actually emit - or in any way affects - light)

If you're familiar with 'vision spheres' the above screenshot should look identical to those. However keep in mind that @setsphere only interacts with pixels that intersect an imaginary sphere around your avatar and hence does not actually obsure anything when looking from the outside in.

To illustrate, if you move the camera further back in the previous example you see the following:


While it was the original intent it's not currently possible to a build a compatibilty layer for @camdraw[min|max]. @camdrawmin and @camdrawmax each take a distance value and are supposed to mix the sphere colour with the actual colour but the drop-off at the inner distance is virtually instantenous.

Below you have a example of a blending sphere starting at 5m (with alpha 0) and ending at 25m (with alpha 1). Full bright white prims were placed every 5m highlighting a point where the brightness should have dropped by 25% (with a linear distrbibution).

With @camdrawmin/camdrawmax only the first prim (which is still within the unaffected radius) is visible and the drop-off past the 5m is so tight that not even the first prim at 10m is visible at all. With @setsphere you can see the inner prim at 5m, as well as the next 3 prims at 10m, 15m and 20m with decreasing brightness and then finally the one at 25m which is completely black and not actually visible.


To simulate what's visible under @setsphere from 5m to 25m the @camdrawmax value had to be increased to 90. If at any point it becomes possible to calculate @camdraw[min|max]'s distance value back to metres I'll add support for them. However, given that script creators will have likely tailored their values to a specific implementation it's better to provide no support in RLVa rathen than support something that looks completelty different from one to the other.


The 'distextend' modifier specifies how the areas on both sides of the sphere should act.

Value Description
0 The effect is only applied to pixels that lay within min and max distance. Pixels outside this range render as normal.
1 The effect extends outward so that pixels that are farther than max distance will have effect strength 'valuemax' (Default)
2 The effect extends inward so that pixels that are closer than min distance will have effect strength 'valuemin'
3 The effect extends both in- and outward

If the above wasn't clear hopefully the following 4 pictures will make it clearer. Pure black pixels signify areas that are unaffected by the effect; any shade of gray signifies an area where the effect strength is between 0 (=black / not at all) and 1 (=white / full). (If you have any Photoshop experience think of the images as a blending mask)

0 - The effect only applies for distmin < distance > distmax
1 - The effect extends outward past distmax
2 - The effect extends inward before distmin
3 - The effect extends both inward and outward

Please note that not all modes may support all 4 options (see their corresponding documentation for more details)

Mode: Blur (2)

Command Value(s) Description
setsphere_mode 2 Switches @setsphere to 'variable kernel blur' mode
setsphere_param <kernel size>/0/0/0 The first number specifies the kernel size for the Gaussian blur (needs to be set in combination with valuemin/valuemax)
setsphere_distmin <distance> Sets the distance (in m) at which the effect should start
setsphere_distmax <distance> Sets the distance (in m) at which the effect should end
setsphere_distextend 0, 1, 2 or 3 See documentation above
setsphere_valuemin <float> Sets the strength of the effect at distmin (useful range values depend on kernel size param)
setsphere_valuemax <float> Sets the strength of the effect at distmax (useful range values depend on kernel size param)


  • The kernel size determines how many neighbouring pixels are sampled. A higher kernel size will result in a more blurred out end result (dependent on the sigma value in min/max value)
  • Avoid using large value for kernel since this will likely be clamped in the future once the impact on FPS can be determined


  1. Clear all modifiers and switch @setsphere to 'variable blur' mode
  2. Set the kernel size to 15 and sigma value to 5
  3. Enforce the effect only when >=2m away (only objects >2m will look blurry)
(Step 2) Red shifted by 8 left and 0 down. Blue shifted by 8 right and 0 down.
(Step 3) Using valuemin/valuemax blends the original colour with the effect making it appear more like a ghost artifact

Mode: Chromatic Aberration

Command Value(s) Description
setsphere_mode 3 Switches @setsphere to 'chromatic aberration' mode
setsphere_param <horiz red shift>/<vert red shift>/<horiz blue shift>/<vert blue shift> The first 2 numbers specify the offset of the red component; the last 2 the offset of the green component
setsphere_distmin <distance> Sets the distance (in m) at which the effect should start
setsphere_distmax <distance> Sets the distance (in m) at which the effect should end
setsphere_distextend 0, 1, 2 or 3 See documentation above
setsphere_valuemin 0.0-1.0 Sets the strength of the effect at distmin
setsphere_valuemax 0.0-1.0 Sets the strength of the effect at distmax


  • If both values (valuemin and valuemax) and both distances (distmin and distmax) are different then - much like the blending mode - the offsets for the colour components of each pixel will gradually increase (or decrease) depending on the distance


  1. Clear all modifiers and switch @setsphere to 'ca' mode
  2. Shift the red channel to the left by 8 pixels and blue to the right by 8 pixels
  3. Increase the color shifts but blend back with the original colour at 50% (animate the change across 5 seconds)
  4. Enforce the effect only when >=10m away (only objects >10m away appear affected)
(Step 2) Red shifted by 8 left and 0 down. Blue shifted by 8 right and 0 down.
(Step 3) Using valuemin/valuemax blends the original colour with the effect making it appear more like a ghost artifact
(Step 4) Inner sphere radius set to 10m

Mode: Pixelate

Command Value(s) Description
setsphere_mode 4 Switches @setsphere to pixelate mode
setsphere_param <width>/<height>/0/0 Specifies the pixelate block size (in pixels) - last 2 params are unused by this mode
setsphere_distmin <distance> Sets the distance (in m) at which the effect should start
setsphere_distmax <distance> Sets the distance (in m) at which the effect should end
setsphere_distextend 1 or 0 Specify 1 (default) to extend the effect past the maximum distance or 0 to end it
setsphere_valuemin - Unused
setsphere_valuemax - Unused


  • don't use @setsphere_distextend:1=force with a min/max distance value in this mode; just setting distmin will suffice (see examples)


  1. Clear all modifiers and switch @setsphere to 'pixelate' mode
  2. Set the block size to 10x10 (everything is pixelated)
  3. Enforce the effect only when >=10m away (only objects >10m away appear pixelated)
  4. Tween to a block size of 25x25 in 15 seconds (and then reset the tween duration for following commands)
(Step 2) Block size set to 10x10
(Step 3) Inner sphere radius set to 10m
(Step 4) Block size set to 25x25