RLVa Debugging Tools

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Debug options are intended for developers only. Show Debug Messages and the RLVa Active Commands floater should enough for most circumstances.

  • Show Top-Level RLVa Menu : Show the RLVa Configuration Options as a top menu item or hide it away in the advanced menu.
  • Show Debug Messages : Essential if you are developing an RLVa script, all executed RLVa commands are echoed as an llOwnerSay so you can see exactly what is being executed and when.
  [10:44] Trinity's Collar:  executes: @detach=n
  • Hide Unset or Duplicate Messages : This can reduce the amount of command noise some attachments generate. If you develop RLVa scripts do not enable this as it prevents you from seeing exactly what your script is doing.
  • Show Assertion Failures : If you ever see an assertion failure you must file a bug report on the Catznip JIRA or leave a message with Catznip. Assertion failures can indicate bugs in the SL service. Use this option to hide them from view.
  Second Life: RLVa assertion failure: MAX_CLOTHING_PER_TYPE == idxWearable (llagentwearables.cpp - 783)
  • Hide Locked Layers & Hide Locked Attachments : Any relevant locked items are hidden from @getoutfit & @getattach respectively. If you can't think why this would be rarely useful, you don't need to check either of these :)
  • Enable Legacy Naming : Enables compatibility with the initial specification of the #RLV Folder. This naming scheme is essentially depreciated by RLVa and SharedWear.
  • Enable SharedWear : Is the SharedWear feature enabled. Yes. It really should be.
  • Rename Shared Items on Wear : If possible (and SharedWear is disabled) items in the #RLV Folder are automatically renamed (or folders created) to follow the legacy naming scheme.
  • Locks... : Opens the RLV Locks floater floater.

RLVa Active Locks


Kitty says you shouldn't look at this. Just put your fingers in your ears and sing as loud as you can everytime you open it. (Opening this floater may cause Kitty to come haunt you in your dreams .. she did actually just say that instead of explaining things when asked).

You aren't reading this

This floater shows the state of the internal attachment locks classes and displays attachments, lock types and (most importantly for kitty) the lock origin. Essentially the end result of all the RLVa commands. It's intended for internal debugging purposes, it's made accessible for ultra advanced developers to poke, for fun.

Kitty needs to get out more if this counts as 'fun' .. sorry you bothered now aren't you...

The RLVa Active Commands floater is similar but more useful to developers, go look at that.

Unless otherwise stated RLVa user documentation only applies to RLVa as provided in the Catznip Viewer.
If in doubt please refer to your RLVa capable viewer's support / documentation.